YOGA Kalender 2023
Mit dem YOGA Kalender bekommst du jeden Tag deine Portion Yoga, bist immer positiv motiviert und findest Platz ausreichend für deine Termine und Notizen. Er ist mit Liebe gestaltet, übersichtlich und handlich.
(Größe 12,5 x 16,5 x 2,2)
18,99 €
• Inhaltsverzeichnis
• Ferienkalender
• Monatsübersicht und Monatskalender
• Terminkalender
• Tageskalender
• Sequenzen und Asanas
• Yogawissen
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.
For this project, the challenge was in rebranding an established product to attract new audiences, while ensuring that current users feel connected. The results were outstanding.